Thursday, October 13, 2011

Update on my Laboratory Research

No, I haven't been doing any genetic research. I'm now over halfway through my 3 weeks of fasting and prayer for the Divine Experiment, and I wanted to give y'all an update! Kyle and I have held up well to a lot of temptations (especially this weekend right before my birthday, when we went to visit Kyle's mom and I met some of his family, and they served cheesecake - my favorite food!) That weekend, Kyle said, "What if we longed for Jesus as much as we long for the food everyone was eating today?" What if we knew he would satisfy us, and knew the food wouldn't?

God's grace is all over me getting up in the morning. As many of you know, this is a struggle for me. Beds are nice. And warm. And I just like to sleep. So getting up every morning at 6am to get ready, pick up a couple folks and drive to campus for a 7am prayer meeting is honestly a demonstration of God's power and goodness to me.

I've struggled to feel God's presence during the meetings though. I know he's at work; students around me are praying deep prayers of confession and longing. But the only thing I really sensed the first week was that he was going to tear down my pride and the structures I've built up around me to protect my self-image, like he ripped the dragon skin off of Eustace in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (the book, not the movie.)

While we gave away icy pops at Blinn to let students know about our new Small Group Bible study there, a student asked for prayer. Then she asked if she could pray for me. I told her I had a lot of great things I needed to go do later that day, but I felt like it was too much. After she prayed, she told me I needed to do those things in God's strength. I said I was still trying to figure out what that looked like, and she told me I just needed to wait on the Lord.

So I'm waiting! Please pray for God to not just tear down my pretenses, but to also build up new ways of living in humility. And pray for it to happen soon - it's hard to wait!

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