Monday, June 24, 2013


I think a lot about worth. I struggle to know deep down that I have worth. Watching the Henri Nouwen video I mentioned last week, a conversation with a student, and Kyle praying for me at night to know that I'm deeply loved, it's been on my mind even more lately. I think many of us struggle with the question, "Am I enough?" Am I smart/funny/strong/amazing enough? Am I enough to be loved? Am I doing enough? Do people think I'm enough? Does God?

Those questions aren't at the forefront of our minds all the time. But I've had plenty of conversations with students and others who wonder. And the awful thing is, everyone thinks they're alone in asking those questions.

When you believe you aren't enough, everything in this world confirms it. Ads tell you what you need to live the good life, but you don't have what they're selling. You didn't get that grade or award or job. You aren't the "fill-in-adjective-here" one in your circle of friends. You don't have enough time to fit everything in that you're supposed to do in life to be successful. You haven't done enough to meet your expectations, or your parents', or God's.

But when you believe you are enough, it all becomes just events and circumstances in life. It doesn't bring your worth into question. None of it can prove you're not enough. Because the proof that you're enough is God loves you, and that's that.

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