It's been a month and a half since I wrote anything - eek! Here's the rundown of what I've been up to:
We wrapped up the year with a fabulous Christmas party. We celebrated Jesus' birth, some students and I were in an evangelistic skit (no pictures of that, sorry!), and we said goodbye to Hannah (graduated in December) and Rodrigo (returning to Mexico after a semester studying abroad).
I went to our Regional Staff Conference. We got training in Bible study skills and had a Christmas prom party.
I spent a week focused on fundraising. I'm up to 92% of my budget! And I'm still waiting to hear back from some folks. Unfortunately, giving to our alumni account decreased. If you could pray for me and other staff to faithfully ask, and alumni to follow God's lead in giving, I'd appreciate it.
Kyle and I traveled to Prosper, TX to see my family, then flew up to Washington, D.C. to visit Kyle's sister and brother-in-law. So much sightseeing! I'll post a link to pics once we get them online.
We got back this weekend for a short breather, and I'm off again tomorrow for Area Team meetings, with the staff from College Station and Houston.
I read a lot over break, and I'll write some reviews of those. I'll also update y'all on prayer requests before school starts in a week. Thanks for your partnership in the gospel!
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