Monday, November 7, 2011

Students Taking Risky Steps

I'm sick. Again. I hate colds. They're just annoying. And mine tend to last about 10 days. Apparently I have the worst immune system in the world. I was pretty sure of that when I was in school and would have to take the full amount of days off allowed, and sometimes more, for being sick. At least with my laptop I'm able to keep working a little!

At our Core Team meeting last Thursday, we decided to make our meetings open to anyone who wants accountability and a chance to plan our other meetings. The leaders also came up with some creative ideas for using the rest of our structures to develop missional Christians.

Not so obvious risky, missional steps:

One of the students I'm discipling went on a date. She usually runs away from relationships (romantic or otherwise). She's scared, but is trying to trust God that he can teach her something through this, and that he'll protect her.

Another student I'm discipling asked me how I was doing and gave me advice. On Friday, I pointed out we had hung out for 2 hours and she hadn't asked a single question about me. It hit her kinda hard. She's learning to stop being a victim and to seek mutual relationships, instead of what she has now, where lots of IV students just try to help and emotionally shield her. I'm hoping she'll start asking Small Group members about themselves, helping them to feel a part of the community.

We had a fun party this weekend watching the Aggies play OU. We all started doing other things than watching the game around the middle of the 3rd quarter (it was soooo painful to watch), but it was still a fun party! I was proud of the student who planned it. He'd never thrown a party before. And he's very focused on his schoolwork, living in fear about losing scholarships; he took time away from studying to create community. It was a risk for him, and he stepped into it without hesitation. That's one more step towards him giving his life fully to God's mission on earth!

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