Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The Holy Spirit definitely seemed to be moving among my 13 Aggies! They faced conflicts with each other, forgave family members who have abused them, and grew in passion for spreading grace and love at A&M. The speaker, Gideon Tsang from the Austin church Vox Veniae, talked about being afraid, being a part of stories of grace, and being a good Samaritan. I think his talks gave words to what the Holy Spirit was doing.

We made some risky, God-sized plans for New Student Outreach in August. As a whole fellowship, we'll be handing out icy pops to hot students, driving freshmen to church, and playing games at one of the dorms. The LaFe Small Group will be playing soccer and handing out horchata. The co-ed Small Group will be doing Ice Cream for Ideas, to find out what people think about Jesus. The men's Small Group will be grilling and watching a manly movie. And we may have a fourth Small Group on facing opposition in Acts, which would do an outreach on choices we make in college. With Large Group, football games, and helping freshmen move in, we'll be busy!

Ben Nelson is our new Aggie IV staff worker. It was amazing to partner together for 2 weeks, and I'm so excited to work with him next year. He loved meeting and getting to know the Aggies. Plus, he got to experience his first yell practice.

I also got to teach 120 new Small Group Leaders over both weeks. We "trained for adventure" as pirates on the high seas. Mostly, that meant we dressed up the first day in eye patches and head scarves, yelled "Argh!" a lot, and had students tell us pirate jokes throughout the week.

The first week, I talked about the cost and pitfalls of leadership and how new Small Group Leaders can stay healthy facing these costs. Of course, I was reminded of a few things I could do myself! The second week, I taught students the inductive Bible study method. We covered how to lead others to observe, interpret, and apply what they read. It was exhilarating to help students learn a skill that will last them a lifetime, and will impact the campus, too.

We agreed to fast and pray on every Tuesday and Thursday this summer. Join us in praying! We haven't landed on a vision statement yet, so please pray for a vision next year that will help us to focus on following God more. Please pray for protection and preparation for students over the summer. Please also pray for healthy partnership with Asian American InterVarsity, our sister fellowship, and for our new chapter plants, LaFe (Latino students) and a South Asian group. Thanks!

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